

Granule Free Exfoliant

If, like me, you have sensitive skin; you have probably found that most exfoliators leave your skin hyper-sensitive, red and irritated. (I still have nightmares of St. Ives Apricot Scrub)
So any I normally run away from any product that claims to "exfoliate"
Yves Saint Laurent Gommage is different: it doesn't have ANY granules whatsoever. Instead it has the texture of honey and works with sugars and oils instead of harsh chemicals.
It must be massaged onto dry skin until the thick textures liquifies. That's when you know the product is done working.
Then, rinse with warm water: it turns into a thin milk. And voila! Soft, even skin without a trace of irritation.
2.5 oz retail for $44 (but the bottle lasts forever!) Available from

Si como yo, tu tienes la piel sensible, seguro que la mayoria de los productos exfoliantes tambien te dejan la piel roja e irritada. (Aun me da pesadillas pensar en productos como el St. Ives Apricot Scrub)
Yo le salgo corriendo a llamados "exfoliantes"
Pero Yves Saint Laurent Gommage es distinto: Es como una miel baso es azulares y aceites en vez de quimicos irritantes.
Se masajea sobre la cara seca hasta que la textura se vuelve liquida.
Despues se aclara con agua tibia y ya! Piel super suave, sin nada de irritacion.
Cuesta $44

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