

When "sensitive" claims do not live up...

I ran out of my HG cleanser recently, Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild, and didn't have time to go to Whole Foods for a new bottle. I went to the grocery store and looked around for an insane amount of time and tried to pick something that sounded "innocent" and not aggravating to my skin.
I have managed to keep my skin fairly under controlled and the thought of changing a step was too much. But I didn't have a choice.
I narrowed it down to four finalist and opted for Olay Sensitive Skin Face Wash because it is fragrance free and seems to have a very minimalist list of ingredients --So I figured: less chance for irritations. right? Wrong!
I've used this for about a week and my skin does NOT find this suitable at all. My skin feels "hot" after I use it. And the feeling doesn't subside. And I am actually breaking out in several different spots.
I've since read several reviews on this cleanser from people that complained of breakouts. Honestly, I thought: "whiney people! - there's NO way this could be the culprit"-- Now I eat my words.
WTF? How could a cleanser marketed to sentive skin irritating my skin never crossed my mind.
Until now. Here I sit, hoping that my beloved Diacneal will cure my current skin woes while I vow to never stray from what works. EDITED: Ok, OK. I now I *just* vowed never to stray. But that's not true. I'm kind of addicted to skin care and make up. I love the research, the they say "the skin is always clearer on the other side"

rating 0 out of 5. This sucked!

El otro día se me acabo el limpiador facial (Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castile Soap) y solo tuve tiempo de ir al supermecado (en vez de la tienda especializada a donde venden el que me gusta)
Leí los ingredientes de la mayoria de los que tenian disponibles. Me decidi por Olay Sensitive Skin Face Wash porque esta recomendado para las pieles sensibles y sus ingredientes parecian los mas "inofensivos" que habian.
Ultimamente, la piel se me habia mejorado en cantidad y la verdad es que tenia miedo de cambiar cualquier paso de mi rutina. Pero no tuve otra opcion ya que estaba de prisa y tenia que comprar "algo".
¡Que desastre! Use este por una semana y me sento mal.
Note que me deja la cara super reseca. Lo cual es muy raro ya que yo tengo la piel grasosa y, por lo general casi nada me reseca. Tambien me di cuenta que despues de lavarme la cara, se me sentia como un calor interno en la cara.
Lo continue usando porque estaba de viajes, sin modo de conseguir el mio y no queria dormirme con el maquillaje puesto.
Les cuento que este producto me broto la cara horriblemente! No se como es posible que un producto especificado para la piel sensible me hubiese hecho tanto daño, pero así fue.
¿Viste lo que me paso por andar tratando productos nuevos?
¡Que rabia!

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