

Summer Fragrance: Lily Pulitzer

I'll admit it: I'm not a huge Lily fan. (that equates to sheer blasphemy in my neck of the woods, but what-ev )
I got some samples of Lily fragrance recently and was prepared to be unimpressed. But I was wrong.
"Beachy" is my favorite of the trio.
It is very close to Bobbi Brown's "Beach" but it's more wearable. This one doesn't suffocate like Bobbi's.
This definetly tries to emmulate the scent of sun tan lotion mixed with salty air with a melange of amber and vanilla in the dry-down, but it doesn't "suffocate" like Bobbi's Summer version.
Ironically, I like to wear this not on the bright, sunny beach days--this is much to heavy. But on gloomy, overcast days: to remind me of the warmth of the season.
Lilly Pulitzer's "Beachy" is available at Sephora
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
La verdad es que a mi no me enloquecen los productos "Lily Pulitzer" Y por aqui, eso no se admite. Pero bueno...
Me dieron unas muestras de sus perfumes y ya estaba preparada a detestarlos. Pero estaba equivocada.
"Beachy" es el que mas me gusta.
Es bastante parecido al perfume "Beach" de Bobbi Brown, pero no es ostigante como el de Bobbi.
Definitivamente trata de parecerse al olor de bonzeador de coco y sal de mar. Tiene una mezcla de amber y vainilla.
Me gusta este perfume en dias triztes y nublados, pero me parece demasiado fuerte para dias soleados o la playa.
Disponible en Sephora

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